Source code for modules.os

OS Level Operations.

Creates required users

Installs base packages

Misc OS level config

This module set env.user to your settings.SUDO_USER, be sure to have that set to a good value in your settings file!


   OS_PACKAGE_LIST_PATH_REDHAT = "yum_packages.txt" #each package on a new line in this file
   OS_PACKAGE_LIST_PATH_UBUNTU = "apt_packages.txt" #each package on a new line in this file

from fabric.api import *
from fabric.colors import green
from fabric import utils
from modules.utils import what_os
import settings

def setup_env(deploy_level="staging"):
    if deploy_level == "staging":
    elif deploy_level == "production":
        utils.abort("Unrecognized Deploy Level: %s" % deploy_level)
    env.os = what_os()
    if env.os == 'ubuntu':
        env.package_list = settings.OS_PACKAGE_LIST_PATH_UBUNTU
        env.package_install_cmd = 'apt_get install -y'
    elif env.os == 'redhat':
        env.package_install_cmd = 'yum install -y'
        env.package_list = settings.OS_PACKAGE_LIST_PATH_REDHAT
        utils.abort('Unrecognized OS: %s. Aborting.' % env.os)
    env.project = settings.PROJECT_NAME
def _production():
    """ use production environment on remote host"""
    env.user = settings.SUDO_USER
    env.environment = 'production'
    env.server_name = ''
    env.hosts = settings.PRODUCTION_HOST

def _staging():
    """ use staging environment on remote host"""
    env.user = settings.SUDO_USER
    env.environment = 'staging'
    env.server_name = ''
    env.hosts = settings.STAGING_HOST

[docs]def install_packages(): """Install packages, given a list of package names""" require('package_install_cmd', 'package_list', provided_by=('setup_env')) with open(env.package_list) as f: packages = f.readlines() env.packages_to_install = " ".join(map(lambda x: x.strip('\n\r'), packages)) sudo('%(package_install_cmd)s %(packages_to_install)s' % env)
[docs]def bootstrap(deploy_level='staging'): """ Installs all packages listed in the OS packages list file(s) specified in settings. """ print green(' IN OS MODULE. RUNNING BOOTSTRAP()...') setup_env(deploy_level) install_packages()
[docs]def deploy(deploy_level='staging'): """ Does the same thing as bootstrap. Installs all packages listed in the OS packages list file(s) specified in settings. """ print green('In OS Module. Running deploy()...') setup_env(deploy_level) install_packages()
[docs]def stop(): """ Does nothing in this module """ print green('In OS Module. Doing nothing for command stop()')
[docs]def start(): """ Does nothing in this module """ print green('In OS Module. Doing nothing for command start()')