Dimagi Deploy Tools documentation

Relevant Documentation:


Deploy Tools is a python package that harnesses Fabric to create a modular deployment system. Deploy Tools has a collection of modules that all operate in a similar way allow you to perform bulk operations on a variety of different areas of your infrastructure.

Deploy Tools is intended to be a very simple Chef or Puppet: capable of being quite flexible without the massive learning curve.

The core elements of Deploy Tools are:

  • Modules - Fabric scripts that implement a certain set of functions (see Operating Methods)
  • The main fabfile - Initializes the actions to be performed on each module
  • your settings.py file - determines how each module behaves on the remote system.


There are two options for getting this project set up:

  • Add this repo as a submodule to your existing project.
  • Install it on your python path.

Henceforth, this document will assume it is a submodule in some larger project.


  1. Ensure that your setting.py is configured. Look at settings.py.example for... an example.

  2. From the command line simply run:

    $ fab production bootstrap deploy stop start

There is no next step. Your server should now live and ready for action!


The command from step 2 will cause deploy_tools to do bootstrap within each module, refresh all respective code (deploy), stop all services then start all services (a.k.a restart).

  • fab is the command that invokes deploy tools. See the Fabric Documentation for more information
  • production indicates that the remote host is a production level machine (as opposed to staging).
  • bootstrap deploy stop start are all the operating methods we would like to perform.

Indices and tables

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The Core Fabric File

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