Source code for modules.packages

Deals with pip requirements.
(Initial installing, refreshing, etc)

Packages Module Settings

    PACKAGES_PIP_REQUIREMENTS_PATH = "pip_requires.txt" #The path to pip_requires file ON THE LOCAL Machine, relative to this file.

#Importing the standard OS package conflicts with the 'os' module in the modules folder.
#The solution is found here:
from __future__ import absolute_import
from fabric.api import *
from fabric.colors import green, yellow
from fabric import utils
from fabric.main import files
import posixpath
from modules.utils import what_os

import os
import settings
from fabric.api import settings as fab_settings

def setup_env(deploy_level="staging"):
    if deploy_level == "staging":
    elif deploy_level == "production":
        utils.abort("Unrecognized Deploy Level: %s" % deploy_level)
    env.pip_requirements_local_path = settings.PACKAGES_PIP_REQUIREMENTS_PATH  #this is the local machine requires file path
    env.project_user = settings.PROJECT_USER
    env.sudo_user = settings.SUDO_USER
    env.os = what_os()

def _production():
    """ use production environment on remote host"""
    env.environment = 'production'
    env.server_name = ''
    env.hosts = settings.PRODUCTION_HOST

def _staging():
    """ use staging environment on remote host"""
    env.environment = 'staging'
    env.server_name = ''
    env.hosts = settings.STAGING_HOST

[docs]def upload_pip_requires(): """ Uploads the pip requirements file to the host machine and sets the relevant env variables """ require('pip_requirements_local_path', provided_by=('setup_env')) (head, pip_filename) = os.path.split(env.pip_requirements_local_path) print 'PIP FILENAME: %s' % pip_filename with show('debug'): with cd('/tmp'): put(env.pip_requirements_local_path,'/tmp/') env.pip_requirements_remote_path = posixpath.join('/tmp', pip_filename)
[docs]def install_packages(): """Install packages, given a list of package names""" upload_pip_requires() with cd(env.project_root): with fab_settings(user=env.sudo_user): sudo('pip install -E %(virtualenv_root)s --requirement %(pip_requirements_remote_path)s' % env, user=env.sudo_user, pty=True, shell=True)
def create_directories(): require('environment', provided_by=('setup_env')) require('project_root',provided_by=('setup_env')) sudo('mkdir -p %(project_root)s' % env, user=env.sudo_user)
[docs]def setup_virtualenv(): """ Initially creates the virtualenv in the correct places (creating directory structures as necessary) on the remote host. If necessary, installs setup_tools, then pip, then virtualenv (packages) """ print green('In packages module. Installing VirtualEnv on host machine...') require('virtualenv_root', provided_by=('setup_env')) with cd('/tmp'): if env.os == 'ubuntu': sudo('apt-get install -y python-setuptools python-setuptools-devel') elif env.os == 'redhat': sudo('yum install -y python-setuptools python-setuptools-devel') else: utils.abort('Unrecognized OS %s!' % env.os) sudo('easy_install pip') sudo('pip install virtualenv', pty=True, shell=True) print yellow('Require user:%(sudo_user)s password!' % env) with fab_settings(user=env.sudo_user, sudo_prompt='ARemind sudo password: ', warn_only=True): sudo('mkdir -p %(www_root)s' % env) sudo('chown -R %(www_root)s %(virtualenv_root)s' % env) sudo('chgrp -R %(www_root)s %(virtualenv_root)s' % env) args = '--clear --distribute' sudo('virtualenv %s %s' % (args, env.virtualenv_root), user=env.sudo_user) print green('In packages module. Done installing VirtualEnv...')
[docs]def bootstrap(deploy_level='staging'): """ Performs initial install of virtualenv, then installs listed pip packages specified in settings file """ print green('In Packages Module. Running bootstrap()...') setup_env(deploy_level) create_directories() setup_virtualenv() install_packages() print green('In Packages Module. Done running bootstrap()...')
[docs]def deploy(deploy_level='staging'): """ Installs all packages listed in the pip packages list file(s) specified in settings. """ print green('In Packages Module. Running deploy()...') setup_env(deploy_level) install_packages() print green('In Packages Module. Done running deploy()...')
[docs]def stop(): """ Does nothing in this module """ print green('In Packages Module. Doing nothing for command stop()')
[docs]def start(): """ Does nothing in this module """ print green('In Packages Module. Doing nothing for command start()')